Make Recess Count

Make recess count


Social Justice and Equality in America.

You’ve probably heard that some members of Congress are planning to repeal Obamacare—despite more than 32 million reasons why that’s irresponsible and cruel. The good news is that everyday Americans are showing up, speaking out, and making sure that the fight to defend this law is one we can win. We have to keep sharing our stories with Congress and reminding them of the devastating personal consequences of repeal.

Fortunately, Congress is on recess this week, and that means our elected officials are heading back to their home districts. Many of them are holding public meetings like town halls, listening sessions, and office hours. These events are great opportunities for constituents to ask questions, voice concerns, and show them that the people they represent are engaged in their community and care about the issues at hand.

If you or your friends are planning to attend one of these meetings in your home district, we want to help. That’s why we put together a recess toolkit that highlights some best practices for respectfully engaging with your members of Congress in person: determining goals, sharing your personal story, and making sure your efforts are on the record.

Recess only lasts a short while, and this is an important one. Once you’ve found an event near you, use the toolkit to help yourself prepare—and be that voice that changes a room.

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Social Justice and Equality in America

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